posted by Slade Rahl on Jan 16, 2009:
OK, so I rarely watch Japanese TV (any TV for that matter). But I was bored over New Year's holiday one night and decided to flip it on to see what all 7 channels I get offered. I happened upon Yasuda Dai Circus and watched a bit. I noticed the comedian クロちゃん and actually laughed that sad? Does anyone else know who he is/his character? Why did I find this amusing? :shrug:
posted by Yakumo on Jan 16, 2009:
most, no, 90% of Japanese "funny" people are just wankers who act stupid. Most of them have no more comical ability than your average man..It's just that they don't care looking like a tit in public.
most, no, 90% of Japanese "funny" people are just wankers who act stupid. Most of them have no more comical ability than your average man..It's just that they don't care looking like a tit in public.
posted by ave on Jan 16, 2009:
For a Japanese production with no game-show part I think this is actually quite entertaining... at least for 5 minutes
For a Japanese production with no game-show part I think this is actually quite entertaining... at least for 5 minutes