posted by DSwizzy145 on Aug 16, 2013:
If anyone is a Fan or Collectors of the NEC PC-88, PC-98, MSX/2, X68000, SFC, FC, FM-Towns systems, etc.. well here's a interesting website i've found while I was searching for a game on the net
レトロゲームの塔 - The Tower of RetroGame
レトロゲームの塔 - The Tower of RetroGame
posted by MetalSlime on Aug 17, 2013:
Pretty neat site. I really liked the Necromancer blogging so far, always thought it was a great horror rpg for its time when not alot existed. Thanks.
Pretty neat site. I really liked the Necromancer blogging so far, always thought it was a great horror rpg for its time when not alot existed. Thanks.
レトロゲームの塔 - The Tower of RetroGame
posted by DSwizzy145 on Aug 17, 2013:
Your welcome and thank you for your time finding interest into the site! I've found plenty more sites similar to this but just for the moment it's a new discovery that's been uncovered.
MetalSlime said:
Pretty neat site. I really liked the Necromancer blogging so far, always thought it was a great horror rpg for its time when not alot existed. Thanks.