10 year old girl gave birth !

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10 year old girl gave birth !

Post by Archive » June 26th, 2019, 7:55 pm

posted by GaijinPunch on Oct 3, 2007:

but I don't think it is "fucked up" to protect children from either prying adults or other children who display inappropriate behaviour.

That's the fucked up part. You're assuming the one w/ the cock is the one behaving inappropriately. Sorry, it takes to two tango. Women want to bitch and moan about equality... that's part of it. If a 13 year old girl is too stupid to know she shouldn't fuck, isn't a boy?

I am sure you'd agree with that?

I'm referring only to statutory rape. Consensual sexual conduct between two people regardless of age.

You seem a rather angry individual whenever we have any "discussions". You have an accusatory tone I find rather amusing!

It's like: "You f**king Brit, you live in a sh@th@le with s#it laws, plus the whole place f%cking stinks! So, £*ck you!"

Nah, it's not me, and it's not you. Well, not really. Your comment about the expensive house in the city seemed extremely... well.. stupid and short-sighted. How do you know anything about those people's lives? Sounds like you're shitting on everyone that doesn't go move out into the suburbs at 32 to reproduce.

But seriously -- did I personally attack anyone? Did I say fuck you, or fuck off? No. I call things as I see them. If I see a big pile of bullshit, I yell it, regardless of whose pile of shit it is. Don't get me going on sodomy laws in the the Red States, or the complete train wreck that is the US immigration system, war on drugs, or the Japanese joke of a corporate world.

This is an article relating to it, however I think you have to appreciate that although the law is defined as a standard, it tends to be applied differently in different cases. It is not an absolute. I was merely pointing out that such cases can & do occur!

I guess it's similar in America, but much less retardedly defined. Both minors -- no crime. There is no gray area though. If one is over the age of consent (regardless of sex) they are the guilty one. I don't know how often it's abused, but I guess if someone' father finds out, you can get in a world of trouble. So you get an 18 year old black kid who gets a consensual blow job from a 17 year old (I think it was his girlfriend even) and what happens? Well, everyone in America hates black people so the poor kid gets 10 years in a state pen. Yes, this is a true story, although quite a few people are up in arms over it. Definitely going to make my son date only older women in high school.

There is no right time,

But there are a plethora of wrong times. Had I chosen to start my family by what appears to be the standards of this thread (that is, according to my wife's biological clock) then we would've brought a child into the world when I had my first real job in my profession and worked about 60 hours on an average week, lived in a 1 room (not bedroom...room) flat, still went out until noon every single Saturday, and had absolutely zero money in my savings account. How is waiting until I advance a bit at work and get a bit of my wild hairs out in any way a bad decision?

and financial requirements are one of the lowest order priorities in the parental equasion.

Well, I live in a nation of people that would sternly disagree. Disagree to the point that they don't care that they won't collect any social security if they don't start reproducing. I don't think money is the most important thing, but if you have 3 kids and you work at McDonald's, you should think twice (three, four times even) before having another. Being a parent means being responsible. Part of that responsibility is providing. If you can't provide, pull and pray, wear a condom, or something. So even if you are never truly ready, there are infinite levels of unreadiness.

Hence, the boy would have raped the girl, subject to evidence.

Your/their definition is faulty though. It is physically possible for a women to rape a man (with penetration).

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10 year old girl gave birth !

Post by Archive » June 26th, 2019, 7:55 pm

posted by Barc0de on Oct 3, 2007:


Any other type of penetration, and the "rape"(by your definition) of any boy/girl of under 16 by a woman is considered Sexual Assault.

"Rape" is the word used , in law, when describing anal or vaginal penetration by a penis.

It's a matter of convention really, since the other acts also carry a heavy sentence

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10 year old girl gave birth !

Post by Archive » June 26th, 2019, 7:55 pm

posted by Parris on Oct 3, 2007:

Do you ever think in a coversation there comes a time when perhaps the "wrong" end of the stick has been analysed, yet misunderstood for so long that it would become relatively difficult to unravel?

For me the time is now lol

You've completely misunderstood the majority of what I was saying, however the parts you do understand we disagree on. It's as simple as that!


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10 year old girl gave birth !

Post by Archive » June 26th, 2019, 7:55 pm

posted by Barc0de on Oct 3, 2007:

biologically being able to have a kid has nothing to do with social matters.

The law aims to protect not social status (or a parent against poverty) but the well-being of under-aged individuals that (by law) are not deemed to be mature enough (mentally) to understand what sex is trully about.

This is a load of shit in my view however, since i remember desiring to get laid ever since i was like 10.

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10 year old girl gave birth !

Post by Archive » June 26th, 2019, 7:55 pm

posted by Parris on Oct 3, 2007:

If anyone cares to re-read the comment I posted, I was actually stating that the issue was underage sex in my opinion, however now that they have done the deed there is little point in the state or parents bring the law heavily down on top of them and perhaps putting the baby into care (which does happen) or punishing them needlessly.

They have every possibility of bringing up the child in a responsible manner, given lots of parental support (their own parents), community support (for difficult scenarios such as the 2 children in question maintaining an education as well as their new found social responsibility) and a bit of added care help from health visitors & post-natal services.

My next point, which has been totally misunderstood was that they will probably do a far better job than many would expect.

Although I have serious issues with underage sex, if those children become parents themselves they can go onto become fully responsible & dedicated parents.

I dislike the whinging social climbers and career types who reach the end of their fertility and demand that they should be granted all sorts of services and funds from the health service in order that they can "obtain" a child. You either want to be a parent and take the financial knocks when younger so that you can be a parent, or you run the risk of having fertility issues later on down the line as you sit in the big empty house your career path offered you.

It has nothing to do with the majority of people who perhaps leave it 5 to 10 years or so, I am talking about those who REALLY have left it so long that it just seems to me they were selfishly wanting their own lives and then bring a child into the world for them to be left without parents at an early age. That in my opinion is short-sighted.

It's merely an opinion and I don't know what you thought I was saying, but hey!

I'd have more sympathy if in their quest to become parents they'd consider adoption & foster parenting before costing the earth to right their egg / sperm count.

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10 year old girl gave birth !

Post by Archive » June 26th, 2019, 7:55 pm

posted by Barc0de on Oct 3, 2007:

i ve got only one thing to say to that 13-year-old dude:

Way to go, Johny Apple-seed

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10 year old girl gave birth !

Post by Archive » June 26th, 2019, 7:55 pm

posted by A. Snow on Oct 3, 2007:

GaijinPunch said:

That's the fucked up part. You're assuming the one w/ the cock is the one behaving inappropriately. Sorry, it takes to two tango. Women want to bitch and moan about equality... that's part of it. If a 13 year old girl is too stupid to know she shouldn't fuck, isn't a boy?

Men still get screwed on a ton of issues. Child custody and support are just one of the examples I can think of off the top of my head. On the issue you brought up though men are partially responsible.

A perfect example has to do with students fucking their teachers. If your son was a teenager and you found out he was banging his hot teach can you honestly say at some point you wouldn't think "Way to go Son"? Would you think the same if your teenage daughter was screwing her handsome male teacher?

It is a classic double standard. We don't necessarily condone it but we don't absolutely condemn it either.

GaijinPunch said:

I guess it's similar in America, but much less retardedly defined. Both minors -- no crime. There is no gray area though. If one is over the age of consent (regardless of sex) they are the guilty one. I don't know how often it's abused, but I guess if someone' father finds out, you can get in a world of trouble. So you get an 18 year old black kid who gets a consensual blow job from a 17 year old (I think it was his girlfriend even) and what happens? Well, everyone in America hates black people so the poor kid gets 10 years in a state pen. Yes, this is a true story, although quite a few people are up in arms over it. Definitely going to make my son date only older women in high school.

It happens way too often and ruins lives for nothing. All it takes is a pissed off parent or some girl who is angry over a breakup and bam... Some poor bastard who just turned eighteen gets screwed far worse then he ever did to the girl. To top it off he doesn't even get a break after jail since he now has to register as a sex offender. There is no escaping that stigma once placed on you. Why they haven't amended these laws to provide immunity to a certain age range is beyond me.

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10 year old girl gave birth !

Post by Archive » June 26th, 2019, 7:55 pm

posted by Barc0de on Oct 3, 2007:

Guys, you're getting it wrong.

Just because it isn't called "rape" when a woman does it , that doesn't mean that it's not Sexual Assualt. Both are criminal acts with similar sentences etc, it's just their label that's different.

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10 year old girl gave birth !

Post by Archive » June 26th, 2019, 7:55 pm

posted by WolverineDK on Oct 3, 2007:

People, do you know what is fuckedup ?

Sharpton Rallies for Man in Ga. Sex Case


That is when a black 18 year old guy gets
a consentual blowjob from a 16 year old. And he gets a 10 year old sentence for it. And well the other guy I am thinking off, he still needs 15 years or so of his prison sentence. And he was 17 at the time of being, when he gave a 15 year old guy a consentual blowjob. And the only "real" excuse why the 17 year old guy got a 22 years prison sentence, instead of 10. Was because it wasn´t in any way procreative, and second of all it was statuary rape. Thank fucking goodness, that where I live, then rape is rape. But well, sometimes I just get so damn worked up, but that is because I am very emotional about those kinds of stuff.

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10 year old girl gave birth !

Post by Archive » June 26th, 2019, 7:55 pm

posted by opethfan on Oct 3, 2007:

To GaijinPunch:
I'm not saying parents should have kids ASAP. My parents were both in sucessful, pretty high paying jobs as nurses when my brother was born. They had a house, and while my mum stopped working after my brother was born, we had enough to support 5 people on one pay cheque quite comfortably. It's a balance of being in the right situation to have a kid finacially, and not devoting your life to work either.
