¿Can the coming of Panzer Dragoon Orta to XBOX originals revive the franchise?
¿Can the coming of Panzer Dragoon Orta to XBOX originals revive the franchise?
posted by saturn_worship on Feb 19, 2008:
a horrible game?
rare to hear this, for me it's the best 32 bit rpg with BIG DIFFERENCE.
a horrible game?
rare to hear this, for me it's the best 32 bit rpg with BIG DIFFERENCE.
¿Can the coming of Panzer Dragoon Orta to XBOX originals revive the franchise?
posted by jp. on Feb 19, 2008:
Occassionally you come across people who play PDSaga waaaaaaay after the fact and can't get past the 32-bit graphics.
It happens.
Occassionally you come across people who play PDSaga waaaaaaay after the fact and can't get past the 32-bit graphics.
It happens.
¿Can the coming of Panzer Dragoon Orta to XBOX originals revive the franchise?
posted by Shadowlayer on Feb 19, 2008:
Reason why it should be re-released with new AAA-grade graphics.
jp. said:
Occassionally you come across people who play PDSaga waaaaaaay after the fact and can't get past the 32-bit graphics.
¿Can the coming of Panzer Dragoon Orta to XBOX originals revive the franchise?
posted by jp. on Feb 19, 2008:
No, because then it will be trashed:
For being incredibly short.
For the plot not holding your hand.
For it not "living up" to the uninformed's expectations.
For it not letting you choose your responses to people.
For it not being open ended.
PDSaga should forever remain a treasure on the Saturn, for those of us who can appreciate the Saturn even now and still see games like PDSaga as absolutely gorgeous despite the aging graphics.
Shadowlayer said:
Reason why it should be re-released with new AAA-grade graphics.
No, because then it will be trashed:
For being incredibly short.
For the plot not holding your hand.
For it not "living up" to the uninformed's expectations.
For it not letting you choose your responses to people.
For it not being open ended.
PDSaga should forever remain a treasure on the Saturn, for those of us who can appreciate the Saturn even now and still see games like PDSaga as absolutely gorgeous despite the aging graphics.
¿Can the coming of Panzer Dragoon Orta to XBOX originals revive the franchise?
posted by TheDeathcoaster on Feb 19, 2008:
I just didn't find the gameplay fun. It felt like a real chore to play it, which makes it a bad game to me
It's certainly not the graphics that get to me. I enjoy playing plenty of other Saturn/PSX Games of the time.
jp. said:
Occassionally you come across people who play PDSaga waaaaaaay after the fact and can't get past the 32-bit graphics.
It happens.
I just didn't find the gameplay fun. It felt like a real chore to play it, which makes it a bad game to me

¿Can the coming of Panzer Dragoon Orta to XBOX originals revive the franchise?
posted by Baseley09 on Feb 19, 2008:
The graphics in Saga are really good imo, past the first section mind. the water effect at shellcoof is amazing.
The graphics in Saga are really good imo, past the first section mind. the water effect at shellcoof is amazing.
¿Can the coming of Panzer Dragoon Orta to XBOX originals revive the franchise?
posted by Shadowlayer on Feb 20, 2008:
But of all those problems you listed none had anything to do with graphics.
jp. said:
for those of us who can appreciate the Saturn even now and still see games like PDSaga as absolutely gorgeous despite the aging graphics.
¿Can the coming of Panzer Dragoon Orta to XBOX originals revive the franchise?
posted by jp. on Feb 20, 2008:
If you played Panzer Dragoon Saga around release and are capable of appreciating games from around that time, then chances are you will see PDSaga as one of the most brilliant RPGs to ever be made.
But if you're one of these dimwits that compares Lost Odyssey to MASS EFFECT and then groans about LO not being innovative since the main character isn't a space marine... then... chances are you wouldn't really get PDSaga.
Not you personally... but you know.
Um, that was my point. Remaking PDSaga in this day and age, it would get trashed by reviewers, because of what they think it should be. If it was remade with better graphics, then why would a reviewer complain about the graphics?
Shadowlayer said:
But of all those problems you listed none had anything to do with graphics.
If you played Panzer Dragoon Saga around release and are capable of appreciating games from around that time, then chances are you will see PDSaga as one of the most brilliant RPGs to ever be made.
But if you're one of these dimwits that compares Lost Odyssey to MASS EFFECT and then groans about LO not being innovative since the main character isn't a space marine... then... chances are you wouldn't really get PDSaga.
Not you personally... but you know.
¿Can the coming of Panzer Dragoon Orta to XBOX originals revive the franchise?
posted by Barc0de on Feb 20, 2008:
i played Saga recently , like 4 years ago.still thought its one of the best RPGs i ve played.to this day its artwork amazes me.
i played Saga recently , like 4 years ago.still thought its one of the best RPGs i ve played.to this day its artwork amazes me.
¿Can the coming of Panzer Dragoon Orta to XBOX originals revive the franchise?
posted by Yakumo on Feb 20, 2008:
If you learn Japanese you can get if for next to nothing with a beautiful manual as well.
GodofHardcore said:
Nobody else will ever get to play saga since a copy costs you your soul.
So remake it!