“Shenmue HD is real"
“Shenmue HD is real"
posted by APE on Mar 17, 2012:
I've played Resident Evil Code Veronica X released on XBLA and frankly it is not that impressive. What is nice is that I can play it in 1080p without having to upscale it to hell and back on a PS2 or Dreamcast. Don't have the funds for an XRGB-3 but this is a decent enough alternative. The game was not upgraded in any way, shape or form for its XBLA release which is sad but the way things go.
I'd be more upset if they tossed every model and texture out and did them from scratch in the crappiest way possible. Giving the textures and models a well needed resolution/polygon boost is never a crime in my book; bastardizing a game is a crime punishable by banishment to Wake Island.
I've played Resident Evil Code Veronica X released on XBLA and frankly it is not that impressive. What is nice is that I can play it in 1080p without having to upscale it to hell and back on a PS2 or Dreamcast. Don't have the funds for an XRGB-3 but this is a decent enough alternative. The game was not upgraded in any way, shape or form for its XBLA release which is sad but the way things go.
I'd be more upset if they tossed every model and texture out and did them from scratch in the crappiest way possible. Giving the textures and models a well needed resolution/polygon boost is never a crime in my book; bastardizing a game is a crime punishable by banishment to Wake Island.
“Shenmue HD is real"
posted by la-li-lu-le-lo on Mar 18, 2012:
I wouldn't want them to "upgrade" the textures. I'd want them to do exactly what they did with Daytona USA - keep the textures and models the same, but display them in widescreen HD. Redrawn, hi-res text like the kind in Daytona USA would be nice as well.
I wouldn't want them to "upgrade" the textures. I'd want them to do exactly what they did with Daytona USA - keep the textures and models the same, but display them in widescreen HD. Redrawn, hi-res text like the kind in Daytona USA would be nice as well.
“Shenmue HD is real"
posted by jp. on Mar 19, 2012:
Ugh. Shenmue, Jet Set Radio, Sonic Adventure, Space Channel 5...
Hey Sega, why don't you pull your heads out of your asses and port some games that could actually BENEFIT from being on an online system. Like, I don't know, maybe Alien Front Online, or Ooga Booga or better yet, Propeller Arena(we're done being sensitive about planes crashing right?)
Sega is so stupid. JSR and the Shenmue games? Really? The ones that I can play just as well in my f'ing Dreamcast? Port something worthwhile if you want an extra buck for minimum work please.
Ugh. Shenmue, Jet Set Radio, Sonic Adventure, Space Channel 5...
Hey Sega, why don't you pull your heads out of your asses and port some games that could actually BENEFIT from being on an online system. Like, I don't know, maybe Alien Front Online, or Ooga Booga or better yet, Propeller Arena(we're done being sensitive about planes crashing right?)
Sega is so stupid. JSR and the Shenmue games? Really? The ones that I can play just as well in my f'ing Dreamcast? Port something worthwhile if you want an extra buck for minimum work please.
“Shenmue HD is real"
posted by la-li-lu-le-lo on Mar 19, 2012:
So... the only games worth porting to modern consoles are ones that had online features? That kinda eliminates anything previous to the Dreamcast, with the exception of a couple Genesis games.
So... the only games worth porting to modern consoles are ones that had online features? That kinda eliminates anything previous to the Dreamcast, with the exception of a couple Genesis games.
“Shenmue HD is real"
posted by Shinebi on Mar 19, 2012:
Heard this last Friday... good news if they pull through (even though I'm out of HD consoles). If this is a remodelled version, it could be a barebones version of what they have in store for Shenmue 3, getting to know the dev working package. It would be nice if they consider converting and adding Shenmue Online, that Chinese/Korean MMORPG...
They always told us if they's ever release a new Shenmue, a complete re-edition would take place to gain fanbase?
Heard this last Friday... good news if they pull through (even though I'm out of HD consoles). If this is a remodelled version, it could be a barebones version of what they have in store for Shenmue 3, getting to know the dev working package. It would be nice if they consider converting and adding Shenmue Online, that Chinese/Korean MMORPG...
They always told us if they's ever release a new Shenmue, a complete re-edition would take place to gain fanbase?
“Shenmue HD is real"
posted by jp. on Mar 19, 2012:
Well, if you'd noticed, the games I listed were all DC games, so obviously I'm talking about what Sega is picking for ports from the Dreamcast.
la-li-lu-le-lo said:
So... the only games worth porting to modern consoles are ones that had online features? That kinda eliminates anything previous to the Dreamcast, with the exception of a couple Genesis games.
“Shenmue HD is real"
posted by BLUamnEsiac on Mar 19, 2012:

I second that.
Shadowlayer said:

“Shenmue HD is real"
posted by Segafreak_NL on Mar 19, 2012:
LOL, people complaining about Shenmue and JSR now? SEGA can't win, can they?
jp. said:
Sega is so stupid. JSR and the Shenmue games? Really? The ones that I can play just as well in my f'ing Dreamcast? Port something worthwhile if you want an extra buck for minimum work please.
“Shenmue HD is real"
posted by jp. on Mar 19, 2012:
*sees Shenmue, Shenmue II, and JSR*
I'm sorry if you're a Sega fan who somehow missed those games or doesn't have a Dreamcast hooked up anymore... but I've played all of them and have had a DC hooked up since it came out, so these do absolutely nothing for me.
Seriously, is this the state Sega fans are in?
"YES!!!! Sega is porting a game I already own!!!! Cannot wait to buy!!!!"
Then again, I guess it is better than them raping their franchises.
*looks over at game shelf*
Segafreak_NL said:
LOL, people complaining about Shenmue and JSR now? SEGA can't win, can they?
*sees Shenmue, Shenmue II, and JSR*
I'm sorry if you're a Sega fan who somehow missed those games or doesn't have a Dreamcast hooked up anymore... but I've played all of them and have had a DC hooked up since it came out, so these do absolutely nothing for me.
Seriously, is this the state Sega fans are in?
"YES!!!! Sega is porting a game I already own!!!! Cannot wait to buy!!!!"
Then again, I guess it is better than them raping their franchises.
“Shenmue HD is real"
posted by 7Force on Mar 19, 2012:
Ugh. Why do we need Citizen Kane on DVD? It already came out on 16mm film 50 years ago, isn't that good enough?
Ugh. Why do we need Citizen Kane on DVD? It already came out on 16mm film 50 years ago, isn't that good enough?