“Shenmue HD is real"

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“Shenmue HD is real"

Post by Archive » June 28th, 2019, 7:13 am

posted by APE on Mar 19, 2012:

jp. said:

*looks over at game shelf*

*sees Shenmue, Shenmue II, and JSR*

I'm sorry if you're a Sega fan who somehow missed those games or doesn't have a Dreamcast hooked up anymore... but I've played all of them and have had a DC hooked up since it came out, so these do absolutely nothing for me.

Seriously, is this the state Sega fans are in?
"YES!!!! Sega is porting a game I already own!!!! Cannot wait to buy!!!!"

Then again, I guess it is better than them raping their franchises.

You want them to not port games you already own, but want them to port games you already own?

Because that GD-ROM will last forever and everyone else in the world has played Shenmue/Shenmue II/JSR, correct? Nobody could possibly want to buy it without having to get a Dreamcast, VMU, cables, etc and then worry about using composite on their TV OH SHIT NOW WE NEED A VGA BOX FOR $40!!11

Or you spend $8 and get JSR on your 360.

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“Shenmue HD is real"

Post by Archive » June 28th, 2019, 7:13 am

posted by Shadowlayer on Mar 19, 2012:

TBH since I own the original games bought at full price during launch I feel entitled to play them using chankast or nullDC or any other emu, and upscale it manually as I see fit, and not pay more for a shoddy port that has less than 10 hours of actual work on it

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“Shenmue HD is real"

Post by Archive » June 28th, 2019, 7:13 am

posted by Segafreak_NL on Mar 19, 2012:

APE said:

You want them to not port games you already own, but want them to port games you already own?

Because that GD-ROM will last forever and everyone else in the world has played Shenmue/Shenmue II/JSR, correct? Nobody could possibly want to buy it without having to get a Dreamcast, VMU, cables, etc and then worry about using composite on their TV OH SHIT NOW WE NEED A VGA BOX FOR $40!!11

Or you spend $8 and get JSR on your 360.


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“Shenmue HD is real"

Post by Archive » June 28th, 2019, 7:13 am

posted by jp. on Mar 19, 2012:

APE said:

You want them to not port games you already own, but want them to port games you already own?

Because that GD-ROM will last forever and everyone else in the world has played Shenmue/Shenmue II/JSR, correct? Nobody could possibly want to buy it without having to get a Dreamcast, VMU, cables, etc and then worry about using composite on their TV OH SHIT NOW WE NEED A VGA BOX FOR $40!!11

Or you spend $8 and get JSR on your 360.

You're absolutely right. I totally forgot that Alien Front Online and Ooga Booga are still playable online with my Dreamcast. How silly of me. This entire time I was under the misconception that once their servers went down those games were virtually unplayable since the information for what servers the games used was hard coded into them, so one couldn't setup alternate servers. And I guess I must have totally forgotten that Alien Front Online had multiplayer options beyond playing online, thus not rendering it absolutely useless since the entire game was built around the idea of multiplayer, much like Chromehounds.

Also, kind of dumb to try to point out the GD-ROM not lasting forever. Let's be realistic here, what's going to last longer: that GD-ROM or JSR's presence on whatever servers so you can still access it 10 years from now when the Xbox 1080 comes out? How about 20 years from now? 30? 40? Unless you're using the disc as a coaster or don't know how to store things, somehow I don't think the lifetime of the physical medium is going to play a major role. Not unless you get a hankering for JSR when you're like, 70, at which point the chance that it's still available on Xbox Live/PSN (or that these things even exist anymore) is likely slimmer than that of being able to track down a physical copy of the game.

As for the argument about people who never played the games:
1. Why didn't they support the DC when it was out? If not for folks like them, maybe Sega wouldn't have spiraled into the festering pit of suck they reside in now.

2. Let's not kid ourselves here. The majority of the people who buy this stuff are the ones who already owned them. I doubt there will be that many "newcomers" to JSR or Shenmue. This argument is only relevant when it's something like Radiant Silvergun which commands a high price, not something you can get for a few bucks on Amazon.

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“Shenmue HD is real"

Post by Archive » June 28th, 2019, 7:13 am

posted by 7Force on Mar 19, 2012:

jp. said:

As for the argument about people who never played the games:
1. Why didn't they support the DC when it was out? If not for folks like them, maybe Sega wouldn't have spiraled into the festering pit of suck they reside in now.

There's many reasons for that, but even if everyone who likes Shenmue had bought it then, it was practically a given that the PS2 hype machine would steamroll the DC despite the shit PS2 launch games.

2. Let's not kid ourselves here. The majority of the people who buy this stuff are the ones who already owned them. I doubt there will be that many "newcomers" to JSR or Shenmue. This argument is only relevant when it's something like Radiant Silvergun which commands a high price, not something you can get for a few bucks on Amazon.

Maybe, but you never know...after all, every gaming site was jerking off to RSG when it came out on XBLA, that probably got at least some new people to buy it (even though the price was ridiculous).

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“Shenmue HD is real"

Post by Archive » June 28th, 2019, 7:13 am

posted by jp. on Mar 19, 2012:

Well, the difference between RS and say, Shenmue or JSR, is that RS required a fairly decent investment in order to experience it. So it makes sense that there would be a ton of people who had never played RS but wanted to.

For Shenmue and JSR? $10 a piece on Amazon. And Dreamcasts aren't exactly expensive either.

Also, I don't really believe that if every person who has remote interest in Shenmue/JSR had purchased them back when they came out, Sega would have lived on. However, since they weren't supporting Sega back when Sega was good, I couldn't care less about what they want. Image

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“Shenmue HD is real"

Post by Archive » June 28th, 2019, 7:13 am

posted by 7Force on Mar 19, 2012:

jp. said:

Also, I don't really believe that if every person who has remote interest in Shenmue/JSR had purchased them back when they came out, Sega would have lived on. However, since they weren't supporting Sega back when Sega was good, I couldn't care less about what they want. Image

...what if they were like 8 years old?

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“Shenmue HD is real"

Post by Archive » June 28th, 2019, 7:13 am

posted by jp. on Mar 19, 2012:

7Force said:

...what if they were like 8 years old?

Then they're likely too busy screaming racial slurs at people on CoD/Halo to be concerned about old Dreamcast games.

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“Shenmue HD is real"

Post by Archive » June 28th, 2019, 7:13 am

posted by la-li-lu-le-lo on Mar 19, 2012:

The reason to get Shenmue on XBLA for me (if it actually exists) is because it will (may) be in HD. That's the only reason for me. I have it for Dreamcast, and in fact I'm playing it right now. Having it in HD and widescreen would be cool, I think. Sega definitely has the power to do that. Perhaps they could remove some of the slowdown, too. I wouldn't buy it simply to have a second version, but because it would be a slightly enhanced version.

However, it was just 4:3 and displayed as upscaled 480p, then that would be pointless for me. If I wanted that, I could just connect my DC to my LCD.

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“Shenmue HD is real"

Post by Archive » June 28th, 2019, 7:13 am

posted by GodofHardcore on Mar 19, 2012:

The Real Reason we need to all get it is to show Sega we want Shenmue III
