フレームマイスター Framemister Xrgb mini/ English firmware/39000 yen shipped
フレームマイスター Framemister Xrgb mini/ English firmware/39000 yen shipped
posted by Nick on Dec 10, 2016:
I made a thread for discussing the framemeister availability issues.
I made a thread for discussing the framemeister availability issues.
フレームマイスター Framemister Xrgb mini/ English firmware/39000 yen shipped
posted by djmdma02 on Dec 27, 2016:
I sent a PM to try to score a preorder on on of the last few. It has been a few days now, and I am wondering, should I have posted that I wanted one in this thread first? Or is Yakumo just enjoying the holiday.
I sent a PM to try to score a preorder on on of the last few. It has been a few days now, and I am wondering, should I have posted that I wanted one in this thread first? Or is Yakumo just enjoying the holiday.

フレームマイスター Framemister Xrgb mini/ English firmware/39000 yen shipped
posted by NewYears1978 on Dec 27, 2016:

PMing him is correct - he is probably on holiday
djmdma02 said:
I sent a PM to try to score a preorder on on of the last few. It has been a few days now, and I am wondering, should I have posted that I wanted one in this thread first? Or is Yakumo just enjoying the holiday.

フレームマイスター Framemister Xrgb mini/ English firmware/39000 yen shipped
posted by Newagezoning on Dec 30, 2016:
Would love to get on the waiting list! PM'd
Would love to get on the waiting list! PM'd
フレームマイスター Framemister Xrgb mini/ English firmware/39000 yen shipped
posted by Yakumo on Dec 31, 2016:
I'm on holiday guys. Please don't send PMs as I will no reply to them just yet. I have no idea how many units I can get or the actual cost. Once I know I'll be posting here and taking orders. All orders must be paid up front too.
I'm on holiday guys. Please don't send PMs as I will no reply to them just yet. I have no idea how many units I can get or the actual cost. Once I know I'll be posting here and taking orders. All orders must be paid up front too.
フレームマイスター Framemister Xrgb mini/ English firmware/39000 yen shipped
posted by Jackhead on Jan 2, 2017:
prices explode at the moment, i read something next revision comes on 31.01.2017..
prices explode at the moment, i read something next revision comes on 31.01.2017..
フレームマイスター Framemister Xrgb mini/ English firmware/39000 yen shipped
posted by Yakumo on Jan 3, 2017:
There was one store on Amazon selling the Framemeister for a whopping 460,000 yen! That is nuts. The basic price is 38,000 yen.
Jackhead said:
prices explode at the moment, i read something next revision comes on 31.01.2017..
フレームマイスター Framemister Xrgb mini/ English firmware/39000 yen shipped
posted by Yakumo on Jan 26, 2017:
2 units just in.
50,000 yen shipped via EMS. Yes, I know the price is up but that's because these cost more to get in.
Strictly first come first served.
Payment in yen as a gift via PayPal only.
PM me if interested. As mentioned, first come first served.

2 units just in.
50,000 yen shipped via EMS. Yes, I know the price is up but that's because these cost more to get in.
Strictly first come first served.
Payment in yen as a gift via PayPal only.
PM me if interested. As mentioned, first come first served.
フレームマイスター Framemister Xrgb mini/ English firmware/39000 yen shipped
posted by ranho on Jan 26, 2017:
Are they gonna be priced as 50.000 until the stock is over or is this just the 2 that you got now?
With the pound staying like this I can see my dream of owning one as over. Shifting gears towards the OSCC probably.
Are they gonna be priced as 50.000 until the stock is over or is this just the 2 that you got now?
With the pound staying like this I can see my dream of owning one as over. Shifting gears towards the OSCC probably.
フレームマイスター Framemister Xrgb mini/ English firmware/39000 yen shipped
posted by Yakumo on Jan 26, 2017:
I don't know. The suppliers are charging more as they know it's the last batch. The bulk stock is due sometime in February but I can't say how much thy will be or how many I can get. The two I got this week were kind of a lucky deal as I've bought so many from my suplier over the years. There's still a nubnut selling them on Amazon Japan for a stupid 400,000 yen! That seller is crazy if he thinks anyone will pay that.
ranho said:
Are they gonna be priced as 50.000 until the stock is over or is this just the 2 that you got now?
With the pound staying like this I can see my dream of owning one as over. Shifting gears towards the OSCC probably.