フレームマイスター Framemister Xrgb mini/ English firmware/39000 yen shipped
フレームマイスター Framemister Xrgb mini/ English firmware/39000 yen shipped
posted by antmavel on Nov 28, 2016:
I just pmed you. I am in Tokyo and hoping to buy it.
I just pmed you. I am in Tokyo and hoping to buy it.
フレームマイスター Framemister Xrgb mini/ English firmware/39000 yen shipped
posted by Yakumo on Nov 28, 2016:
Reply sent.
antmavel said:
I just pmed you. I am in Tokyo and hoping to buy it.
フレームマイスター Framemister Xrgb mini/ English firmware/39000 yen shipped
posted by Atolm on Dec 2, 2016:
what's going on with the availability of this thing? Did they fall asleep on making them? The prices on ebay are ridiculous.
what's going on with the availability of this thing? Did they fall asleep on making them? The prices on ebay are ridiculous.
フレームマイスター Framemister Xrgb mini/ English firmware/39000 yen shipped
posted by iM7md on Dec 2, 2016:
I just PMed you
I just PMed you
フレームマイスター Framemister Xrgb mini/ English firmware/39000 yen shipped
posted by OldSchoolMike88 on Dec 3, 2016:
Hi! Just PMed you too, as I'm interested in purchasing one.
Hi! Just PMed you too, as I'm interested in purchasing one.
フレームマイスター Framemister Xrgb mini/ English firmware/39000 yen shipped
posted by sayin999 on Dec 3, 2016:
Well they made it official on twitter they're discontinuing it due to part supply issues. They stated that they have enough supply for one year.
Well they made it official on twitter they're discontinuing it due to part supply issues. They stated that they have enough supply for one year.
フレームマイスター Framemister Xrgb mini/ English firmware/39000 yen shipped
posted by Atolm on Dec 3, 2016:
Hmm. Does this mean they're working on a follow up then?
Hmm. Does this mean they're working on a follow up then?
フレームマイスター Framemister Xrgb mini/ English firmware/39000 yen shipped
posted by sayin999 on Dec 3, 2016:
No one knows but knowing Micromsofts history with xrgb I say it's a given. Probably use different parts to achieve same desired effect while improving design.
No one knows but knowing Micromsofts history with xrgb I say it's a given. Probably use different parts to achieve same desired effect while improving design.
フレームマイスター Framemister Xrgb mini/ English firmware/39000 yen shipped
posted by Lt Linguini on Dec 4, 2016:
Hello! I, too, am interested in purchasing one, please!
Hello! I, too, am interested in purchasing one, please!
フレームマイスター Framemister Xrgb mini/ English firmware/39000 yen shipped
posted by NewYears1978 on Dec 4, 2016:
Just want to thank Yakumo for doing what he is doing. Most people just want to take advantage (just look at the 700-3,000 USD auctions on eBay) but not Yakumo he wants to help people genuinely and barely makes a profit for his time.
Gladly put myself on the waiting list and will wait til they are available again.
(I am new here, I found this place via a guide, thus my low posts..but I wanted to give my thanks at the least)
Just want to thank Yakumo for doing what he is doing. Most people just want to take advantage (just look at the 700-3,000 USD auctions on eBay) but not Yakumo he wants to help people genuinely and barely makes a profit for his time.
Gladly put myself on the waiting list and will wait til they are available again.
(I am new here, I found this place via a guide, thus my low posts..but I wanted to give my thanks at the least)