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フレームマイスター Framemister Xrgb mini/ English firmware/39000 yen shipped
Posted: June 28th, 2019, 7:14 am
by Archive
posted by Yakumo on Dec 4, 2016:
NewYears1978 said:
Just want to thank
Yakumo for doing what he is doing. Most people just want to take advantage (just look at the 700-3,000 USD auctions on eBay) but not
Yakumo he wants to help people genuinely and barely makes a profit for his time.
Gladly put myself on the waiting list and will wait til they are available again.
(I am new here, I found this place via a guide, thus my low posts..but I wanted to give my thanks at the least)
Thanks for the kind words. I don't make much on the Framemeister and do sell it at a rate which is the same as the Japanese RRP which is 38800yen. So when someone asked for money off my airmail deal which was 38000 yen and then got pissed off when I refused, that was kind of sad. Of course I buy in bulk so I don't pay retail price for them but once shipping is added for over seas the profit margin is extremely low. Still, I get to help out my fellow gamers with an image quality they deserve.
Currently I have an order of 20 units waiting to be fulfilled. I'm expecting delivery in February is Micomsoft's word is true.
フレームマイスター Framemister Xrgb mini/ English firmware/39000 yen shipped
Posted: June 28th, 2019, 7:14 am
by Archive
posted by leonk on Dec 5, 2016:
so if we order xrgb mini now we wont get it until february?
フレームマイスター Framemister Xrgb mini/ English firmware/39000 yen shipped
Posted: June 28th, 2019, 7:14 am
by Archive
posted by NewYears1978 on Dec 5, 2016:
leonk said:
so if we order xrgb mini now we wont get it until february?
Yeah, better get on the waiting list with Yakumo
Or pay extreme ridiculous amounts on eBay..I expect those rates to go way up now too that they have announced the discontinuation
フレームマイスター Framemister Xrgb mini/ English firmware/39000 yen shipped
Posted: June 28th, 2019, 7:14 am
by Archive
posted by Atolm on Dec 6, 2016:
sayin999 said:
No one knows but knowing Micromsofts history with xrgb I say it's a given. Probably use different parts to achieve same desired effect while improving design.
I'm not sure about that. I was looking for some more info, so I typed framemeister into google news and came across this article here
It sounds like they may be done with the xrgb line for good.
フレームマイスター Framemister Xrgb mini/ English firmware/39000 yen shipped
Posted: June 28th, 2019, 7:14 am
by Archive
posted by NewYears1978 on Dec 7, 2016:
What did that article say? Seems really weird to drop this item because the demand is pretty large.
Shame because now eBay sellers are really taking advantage of people..which sucks.
フレームマイスター Framemister Xrgb mini/ English firmware/39000 yen shipped
Posted: June 28th, 2019, 7:14 am
by Archive
posted by Livenudes on Dec 7, 2016:
I'd like to be added to the list once they become available, how do I do this?
フレームマイスター Framemister Xrgb mini/ English firmware/39000 yen shipped
Posted: June 28th, 2019, 7:14 am
by Archive
posted by Atolm on Dec 7, 2016:
NewYears1978 said:
What did that article say? Seems really weird to drop this item because the demand is pretty large.
Shame because now eBay sellers are really taking advantage of people..which sucks.
They're not doing it by choice. The Marvell video processor they're using was introduced in 2009 - 2010. It's primary use was for blu-ray players and home theater setups, processing to 1080P output. but now equipment has moved to 4K and newer sets aren't even bothering with analog video anymore, so it's ancient history at this point. It's not cost productive for Marvell to be tying up tooling in the plant on a 7 year old processor that isn't in demand anymore. Micomsoft's order is probably next to nothing to what they were selling to Onkyo a few years ago.
The part in the article that's concerning was the line that according to officials, the Framemeister may end up being the last xrgb product
フレームマイスター Framemister Xrgb mini/ English firmware/39000 yen shipped
Posted: June 28th, 2019, 7:14 am
by Archive
posted by OldSchoolMike88 on Dec 7, 2016:
Yup...sounds like people that want one should put in their preorder for it now.
フレームマイスター Framemister Xrgb mini/ English firmware/39000 yen shipped
Posted: June 28th, 2019, 7:14 am
by Archive
posted by retro on Dec 8, 2016:
Livenudes said:
I'd like to be added to the list once they become available, how do I do this?
You start by reading the rules, particularly the
registration FAQ, then choosing a decent user name.
フレームマイスター Framemister Xrgb mini/ English firmware/39000 yen shipped
Posted: June 28th, 2019, 7:14 am
by Archive
posted by NewYears1978 on Dec 8, 2016:
So sad, I wish I had learned about the XRGB much sooner. I have only recently gotten into retro gaming (well have always been into it..but used emulators..only recently getting actual hardware/games), and I use a CRT but I need to free up space plus I just like the idea of condensing all my consoles into one TV.
Just hope I get one in Feb (I am on the list so should be fine..barring any issues)
Even sadder is now people will sell this things way over price on eBay (just look at some there now..already happening.
It's weird to me no one has reproduced the thing though! Wonder why? Or why doesn't Micomsoft's outsource that one part to someone else?