Devkit pics
Devkit pics
posted by Teancum on May 30, 2013:
@msx Those Sonic beta's make me jealous.
Nice pics from everyone might have to contribute some of my own.
@msx Those Sonic beta's make me jealous.
Nice pics from everyone might have to contribute some of my own.
Devkit pics
posted by MSX on May 30, 2013:
Any luck on finding a VUE-Debugger or Video Boy, Kev?
kylethedude said:
You win.
Any luck on finding a VUE-Debugger or Video Boy, Kev?
Devkit pics
posted by ASSEMbler on May 30, 2013:
VUE debugger? Very hard to get
Video boy = god tier
Sadly no. The headsets weren't sent back but in rather strong terms nintendo wanted the vb boxes back.
MSX said:
Any luck on finding a VUE-Debugger or Video Boy, Kev?
VUE debugger? Very hard to get
Video boy = god tier
Devkit pics
posted by leetwolf on May 30, 2013:
I have no where near the cool stuff you guys do, but I have been building my amazing collection up.
I am seeking to buy more stuff, so please message me if you have stuff to sell
I have no where near the cool stuff you guys do, but I have been building my amazing collection up.
I am seeking to buy more stuff, so please message me if you have stuff to sell

Devkit pics
posted by HEX1GON on May 30, 2013:
MSX I'd buy the Alpha XBOX controller from you in a split second!
Amazing photos though I was glued to the screen, dev items are so interesting.
MSX I'd buy the Alpha XBOX controller from you in a split second!
Amazing photos though I was glued to the screen, dev items are so interesting.
Devkit pics
posted by MSX on May 30, 2013:
Side note: Wow I derailed this thread. I didn't see it was under the Sony section. Oh well. :boxing:
You never know what could sneak out. *Looks at the 2 Sega Plutos*
ASSEMbler said:
Sadly no. The headsets weren't sent back but in rather strong terms nintendo wanted the vb boxes back.
VUE debugger? Very hard to get
Video boy = god tier
Side note: Wow I derailed this thread. I didn't see it was under the Sony section. Oh well. :boxing:
Devkit pics
posted by Dano2k0 on May 31, 2013:
Some very nice stuff there Kev, can't say I ever recall seeing so many PSX units together, lol.
MSX, your right you have derailed it...
Might aswell add some other stuff now everyone else has lol.

Don't ask lol


Just so everyone knows there are some items in those pics I have sold, but I have the majority
I really should make time to photograph the stuff I haven't, shame I never took many photos of all the same units bundled together, don't know why I didn't cause they make excellent pics.
Some very nice stuff there Kev, can't say I ever recall seeing so many PSX units together, lol.
MSX, your right you have derailed it...
Might aswell add some other stuff now everyone else has lol.

Don't ask lol

Just so everyone knows there are some items in those pics I have sold, but I have the majority

I really should make time to photograph the stuff I haven't, shame I never took many photos of all the same units bundled together, don't know why I didn't cause they make excellent pics.
Devkit pics
posted by Shane McRetro on May 31, 2013:
Where's the Sophia Systems badge off the front of that Sophia?
Some of that hardware looks awfully familiar... *pokes at table full of random dev carts* :loyal:
Where's the Sophia Systems badge off the front of that Sophia?
Some of that hardware looks awfully familiar... *pokes at table full of random dev carts* :loyal: